Sunday, 12 August 2012

Jacobite Bits and Pieces

Gun crew.

Repliant conversions from ECW Scots.

Officers and others from many, strange, sources.

Like Hungry Wolves.................................



More late Medievals

More mind numbing stuff from the dream team of Jonny and Eric Kemp. Wars of the Roses pole-armed infantry and two shots of Swiss pikemen and crossbowmenan. one showing a Burgundian archer using them for target practice.

Please leave a comment.



Wars of the Roses

A bit of a change this time, Wars of the Roses, converted, wher appropriate by me, painted by our son, Jonny.
Bits and bobs from Replicants, Britains,Forces of Valor, A Call to Arms, Irregular (metals) and Airfix medievals with leg extensions and WW2 Germans - kneeling handgunner and shooting crossbowman, oh yes and lods of greenstuff.

More soon


Jonny and Eric

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Crimea and War of 1812

Two posts in a day.......................

95th Rifles and 43rd Light Infantry, all from HELMET bits.

93rd Highlanders from the Crimea - as mutch fun as painting hussars! From Timpo with greenstuff additions.
More 11th Hussars, just about half the "regiment" completed.

More soon ish


More Light Brigade

More Light Brigade, 11th Hussars on the left, aren't hussars easy to paint, so quick and straightforward!

Then characters from the Charge, based in part on the Tony Richardson film.From left to right in the phot below, Sergeant Berryman VC of the 17th Lancers, Trooper (Butcher) Vahey also of the 17th followed by Captain William Morris commander of the 17th on the day. Finally Captain Lewis Edward Nolan of the 15th Hussars, who will for ever, on my model, be carrying the order that sent the Light Brigade down the Valley of Death.

Picture on left shows the same figures reversed.

